The command line in a terminal xeyes ssh ssh ssh -X xeyes - check graphics connection passwd - change password Some commands for basic filesystem stuff ls, ls -l, ls -alrt mkdir, rmdir cd cd directory cd - (go back to directory where you were previously) cd .. (go up to parent directory of current directory) cd . (change to current directory - DOES NOTHING!) cd / (change to root directory... discuss directory tree) cd ../../directory (relative path) cd /usr/bin (absolute path) pwd (print working directory) cp cp -r (for a directory) mv touch file rm rm -r (Careful!) rm -i ls -l Permissions for owner, group, others to read, write and execute chmod o+w (change so that others can write to file/directory) chmod +x (anyone can execute file) chmod 744 -- what the? Archiving: tar -zcvf archiveName.tgz Directory1 Dir2 files (to be archived) tar -cvf archiveName.tar Directory gzip archiveName.tar unpacking tar -zxvf archiveName.tgz gunzip archiveName.tgz tar -xvf archiveName.tar Downloading files: wget wget --no-check-certificate alias alias wg="wget --no-check-certificate" .bash_profile is used for interactive login shell .bashrc is used for interactive non-login shell (read every time bash shell is invoked). put alias wg="wget --no-check-certificate" into .bash_profile source ~/.bashrc To submit projects: # Copy your project directory to alfven. Don't forget the colon at the end! scp -r PROJECT1-name # Log on to alfven ssh # check that everything for the project runs properly on alfven # make an archive of your project and copy it to the Submissions folder tar -zxvf Project1-YourName.tgz PROJECT1-name cp Project1-YourName.tgz /home/Submissions editors: nedit nano vi gedit mentioned plottting xmgrace gnuplot running, suspending, background, killing xmgrace ^Z (control-Z) suspends job bg (puts job into background) fg (brings back job into foreground) ^Z (control-Z) bg ps jobs (shows jobs running in background) kill %1 (or whatever number it is) xmgrace ^C (tries to kill running job) xmgrace & (run in backgound from get-go) Started discussing Project 1.