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Brad deYoung



The instructor for this course will be Brad deYoung who can be found in C-4062. The course deals with the physics of the processes in the ocean, providing an integrative view of the field of oceanography. The importance of physical processes to other aspects of oceanography is treated.

We meet in room C-3067 from 09:00 to 10:15 on Tuesday and Thursdays.

The outline for the course is

Course outline


As available the course notes will be placed here. I will keep these updated just after each class.


Assignment 1
Assignment 2 - Solutions
Assignment 3
Assignment 4 - Solutions

Term Paper

Term Paper

Miscellaneous things

Here is the text for the course - Stewart - Physical Oceanography.

The article on what life would be like at low Reynold's number, when inertia just doesn't matter, is attached.

Here are the two articles about the IPCC Special Report: (1) The report itiself (2) and a paper on the report.

The Message Box
Equation Sheet

Last updated 2 December 2019