Entcho Demirov, Curriculum Vitae


Ph.D. in Physics and Mathematics (1991)
Russian State Hydrometeorological University, St. Petersburg.

M.Sc. in Physical Oceanography (1984)
Russian State Hydrometeorological University, St. Petersburg.

Professional career:

(1984-1996) Research Scientist: Institute of Oceanology, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Varna, Bulgaria.

(1996-1998) Research Scientist: Space Applications Institute, Joint Research Center of European Community, Ispra, Italy

(1998-2000) Visitng Professor: Institute of Atmospheric and Ocean Sciences CNR, Bologna, Italy

(2000-2003) Research Scientist: National Institute of Geophysics and Volcanology Bologna, Italy

(2003-2004) Associate Scientist: Department of Oceanography Dalhousie University, Halifax

(2004 - 2010) Assistant Professor: Department of Physics and Physical Oceanography Memorial University of Nefoundland, St. John's

(2010 - ) Associate Professor: Department of Physics and Physical Oceanography Memorial University of Nefoundland, St. John's