PHYSICS 2056: General Physics VI: Modern PHYSICS 2056: General Physics VI: Modern Physics. Winter 2002

Instructor: Dr. I.Afanassiev

Office: C4065. Phone: 737-2500. E-mail:

· The textbook

Physics for Scientists and Engineers (with Modern Physics) by Serway and Beichner, Chapters 39-46 Fifth Edition, Saunders College Publishing.

· Schedule of topics

The sequence of topics, corresponing roughly to the sequence of chapters in the text, and the number of lectures tentatively planned for each, is as follows:

Chapter Topic # of lectures
39Relativity. 6
40Introduction to Quantum Physics. 3
41Quantum Mechanics. 2
42Atomic Physics. 4
43Molecules and Solids. 3
44Nuclear Structure. 2
45Fission and Fusion. 2
46Particle Physics. 1

· Evaluation Scheme

-assignments (4-5), altogether worth 10% of the total mark;

-one mid-term 1-hour test, worth 25% of the total mark; (tentatively scheduled for Febuary 19

-the 2-hour final examination, worth 50% of the total mark;


-laboratory reports (you should get a minimum of 50% mark in the laboratory part of the course in order to pass the course), worth 15% of the total mark;