M. R. Morrow
Condensed Matter Physics

Department of Physics and Physical Oceanography
Memorial University of Newfoundland


Group Members and Recent Theses



Outreach Activities

Research in the Department

Biophysics in Canada


Low Temperature and Thermal Physics

Mechanical and Energy

The ring and disc have the same mass. At the top of an incline, both have the same potential energy. As they roll down the incline, the potential energy is converted to translational and rotational kinetic energy. Racing them down an incline demonstrates how the distribution of mass around an axis affects the rotational kinetic energy.

The potential energy of the spool decreases as it appears to roll up hill.

Precession of the bicycle wheel demonstrates the behaviour of a gyroscope. Gravity (down) exerts a torque (horizontal) which equals the rate of change of the angular momentum vector. In a magnetic field, hydrogen nuclei in water also precess. The nuclei spin (have angular momentum) and possess a magnetic moment. The magnetic field exerts a torque on the nuclei and they precess. This is the basis of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI).

Trying to tip a spinning wheel while standing on a rotating platform demonstrates effects of conservation of angular momentum. Some satellites use gyroscopes to control orientation.


Electricity and Magnetism
